Famously known as Wayuu Mochilas, hand-woven by the Wayuu tribe from Colombia and recognized and loved for it's technique, vibrant fabrics and colors that last a lifetime!
- One of a kind
- Tassels can be removed upon request
$ 80.83
$ 62.18
Famously known as Wayuu Mochilas, hand-woven by the Wayuu tribe from Colombia and recognized and loved for it's technique, vibrant fabrics and colors that last a lifetime!
$ 53.33
$ 41.02
$ 15.50
$ 66.44
$ 51.11
$ 29.95
$ 82.97
$ 63.82
$ 70.73
$ 54.41
$ 86.03
$ 66.18
$ 75.02
$ 57.71
$ 86.66
$ 66.66
$ 70.51
$ 54.24