Famously known as Wayuu Mochilas, hand-woven by the Wayuu tribe from Colombia and recognized and loved for it's technique, vibrant fabrics and colors that last a lifetime!
- One of a kind
- Tassels can be taken off upon request
$ 0.00
$ 85.00
Famously known as Wayuu Mochilas, hand-woven by the Wayuu tribe from Colombia and recognized and loved for it's technique, vibrant fabrics and colors that last a lifetime!
$ 52.59
$ 40.45
$ 79.00
$ 55.30
$ 55.71
$ 42.85
$ 60.48
$ 46.52
$ 280.84
$ 84.25
$ 90.44
$ 69.57
$ 65.90
$ 50.69
$ 55.35
$ 42.58
$ 59.00
$ 33.98
$ 58.59
$ 45.07